
Vaginismus is a condition characterized by involuntary muscle spasms in the pelvic floor, often leading to painful intercourse and general pelvic pain. Despite being a common condition, Vaginismus is under-diagnosed, under-researched, and overlooked, leaving healthcare providers with limited understanding and treatment options.

We created Goji as a conversation starter and a first step towards healing. Goji reimagines pelvic therapy as a friendly self-treatment tool that bridges the gap between sexual wellness and healthcare. Why? Because everyone deserves compassionate, trauma-informed healing.

The external pelvic massager is made with medical-grade silicone. This tool is suited for individuals beginning pelvic therapy and treatment for pain. It offers three blunt edges for targeted muscle release, has two vibration levels, and takes on hot or cold temperatures for thermotherapy. Designed with the female gaze in mind, our product features a warmer, friendlier design — a deviation from tools currently on the market.

Because we believe healing is more than just physical, our digital companion helps ensure individuals feel supported during their journey towards healing. The digital companion comes with exercises to help users wind down and find relief, links users with community resources and accessible provider care, and offers users a view into how they've grown as they use Goji.
A right hand holds the lavender Goji tool.  Three girls laugh and look to the left as they hold white and pink colored-flowers against a beige background.