Reimagining Social Innovation Platforms
This thesis project explores the potential of digital platforms to enhance the practice of Design for Social Innovation (DSI), envisioning platforms as space with potential to inspire, support, and connect projects of positive social change and the people that work on them, regardless of size and scale. Expert interviews, literature review, and desk research revealed that while there are platforms that support DSI, they still have barriers to community initiation of, and involvement in, projects whose interventions will directly impact their communities. In response, I created a conceptual design of a platform that weaves together social innovation projects across communities and initiatives — reimagining mutual, peer-based support for community led efforts. The platform prioritizes support for grassroots projects, helping community members create the positive change they'd like to see in their communities. The outcome is a conceptual design that communicates the value of platforms as a space for inclusive collaboration, and exposes new opportunities for Design for Social Innovation practice.
Project Site →
A demo video for the conceptual Interlace platform.